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About Us

California University of Pennsylvania's Student PSEA... Who are we?


SPSEA is an education based organization at California University of Pennsylvania. We welcome all education majors from elementary, middle level, and secondary education as well as special education. This organization is a way for teacher canidates to become familiar with their field, build amazing friendships with fellow colleagues, and work together to maintain and support education matters in Pennsylvania. From conferences to service opportunities, we offer a wide variety of ways for education majors to get involved!


What are the requirements to join SPSEA?

-Every semester we supply you with a checklist where you have to complete so many activities or events. Some of the opportunities count for more than just one event! We also require dues to be paid as well and then, you're a member! Simple!

Upcoming Events:
General Meeting 
 March 24th, 2016
Keystone Hall 300A 11:30am

One week until the conference can you believe it! T-Shirts will be available for distrubution today! Also canned good and non-perishable food items are due today for the Daily Bread drive being held at the conference. Remember, the more you bring, the better your chance to win that that awesome book collection and SPSEA themed prizes! Dr. Torregano from the Childhood Education Department will begin our meeting with a special presentation on integrating poltics in the classroom. There will also be a sign up for the next MOPs trip!


P.S. There will be a special Easter treat!


See you there!

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